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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Feeling Pensive

Written by Melania Trump
In the face of yesterday's events, it is difficult to put my feelings into words. We were watching President Trump's rally in Butler PA and saw the attempt on his life in real time. I am so grateful to God that President Trump is still alive. I am grateful for the men and women of the Secret Service who selflessly protected him with their lives. I am sad for the family of Donald Trump and for Melania Trump, who wrote those eloquent words above about the situation in which she finds herself, because their stress has just been magnified. No matter what your feelings are about Donald Trump, he is still a man who has a family that loves him.

Facebook post by the daughter of Corey Comperatore 
And I am sad for the family of the former firefighter, Corey Comperatore, who lost his life protecting his family. He was simply a man whose life ended tragically while enjoying a day with his family.

President Trump moments after the shooting
I pray for the families of all affected - President Trump and his family, the family and friends of Corey Comperatore, and for the family of the alleged shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks. I cannot imagine the shock, disbelief, and grief that his family must be feeling.

President Biden speaking about the shooting
I am thankful that President Biden put aside his politics to make a personal phone call to "Donald" and to publicly condemn the shooting. It is notable that both President Biden and President Trump agree on a call for unity! My hope is that we may all put aside our partisan politics and simply be grateful for life, to feel love for our fellow man, and to pray for unity in our nation.